Power BI - IF and Nested IF conditions in Power BI - Step by Step Tutorial

This video tutorial will show you the following topics apart from writing IF and nested IF,

- Introducing to 'Pie Chart' Visualization
- Basic Introduction to Power BI filtering

IF example

IF Check = IF(Sheet1[Profit] > 7000, "Target Achieved","Target not Achived")

Nested IF condition sample code

Nested If condition = IF (AND(Sheet1[Sales_Country] = "USA", Sheet1[Profit] > 3000),
"USA Target Achieved",
IF(AND(Sheet1[Sales_Country] = "UK", Sheet1[Profit] > 2000),
"UK Target Achieved", "Target Not Achived"))

IFERROR check sample code

IF Error Check = IFERROR(25/0, 9999)
